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What is Albent Healing Clay?

 ETCARE Albent healing clay mask made from volcanic ash the clay contains over 50 minerals. Almost every mineral found on earth When albent Clay mask applied to the skin all of the impurities toxic, dead skin cells, grease, bacteria, oil are drown out of the skin and into the clay at the same time the nourishing minerals from the clay are transformed to your skin imagine the clay as a magnet pulling the toxic and debris out of your pores, while depositing healthy minerals in return. Albent clay mask also contain aloe Vera powder. Aloe Vera, sometimes describes as “miracle plant “with an active components. Contains over 75 nutrients, 200 active compounds 18 amino acids and 12 vitamins. Natural safe herbal plants used for thousands of years. Aloe Vera helps to make the skin more flexible and supple It supports the production and release of collagen Albent clay mask used for facial, acne, body mask, clay bath and foot soaks

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